Section: Software


Participants : Adrien Bernhardt, Marie-Paule Cani, Maxime Quiblier.

AESTEM Studio is dedicated to free form shape Modeling through Interactive Sketching and Sculpting gestures. The goal is to provide a very intuitive way to create 3D shapes, as easy to use for the general public as roughly sketching a shape or modeling it with a piece of clay. This software is developed in the framework of a research contract with the company Axiatec. It enables to create a 3D shape by successively painting in 2D and smoothly blending different components: the painting step takes place at different scales and from different viewing angles. 3D is inferred from a 2D painted region by using an isotropic implicit surface along the skeleton of the region. Then, implicit blending, restricted to the intersection areas, is computed to connect the new component with the existing ones. This relies on our researches on free-form sketch-based modeling using geometric skeletons and on convolution surfaces. Our prototype is written in C++. It uses the Ogre open-source library and our new library Convol dedicated to convolution surfaces. Future extensions will include the combination of sketching with modeling gestures related to clay sculpting, such as deforming a shape through pulling, pushing, bending or twisting gestures.